I've been learning about the Japanese concept of yutori.
This word refers to creating space in our lives. According to my Japanese friend, the word itself translates to "spaciousness" or "slack".
Perhaps yutori has to do with creating mental space and also physical space - which in turn makes more mental space.
This space allows us the possibility of attaining a more balanced mind and a sense of wellbeing.
I've heard yutori be described as stretching time.
Let me explain a little further. Let's say I have a crème brûlée. I eat it while marveling at the crunchiness of the carmelized sugar on top and its soft, sweet, creamy texture. Maybe it takes me 10 minutes to eat it - if I eat it slowly.
Or I could make eating this crème brûlée an experience. I sit, consciously intending only to enjoy this treat. I sink into the experience of eating this dessert. I don't talk, or look at my phone, or read, or even daydream. I am there, in that moment. It still takes me ten minutes but those ten minutes feel much longer. According to my friend, this is yutori no jikan (yutori time).
Another way yutori is used is yutori no aru seikatsu or life with yutori, my friend explained.
An example of yutori no aru seikatsu is getting up a little earlier so you don't have to rush through your morning . You can enjoy your coffee in your favourite chair instead of taking your coffee to go.
Practicing yoga and imagining the effects of each asana on your body instead of doing the yoga practice in order to say you've attended to your physical fitness. Perhaps this too is another interpretation of yutori.
Perhaps yutori is far more than this. I hope that with more study of the Japanese culture, I'll understand it more.
Before hearing this word, I began working on a new sticker sheet for my shop. It's called Small Pleasures. Check out the whole sticker sheet here.
I filled the sheet with things I personally enjoy — things I imagine many other people also enjoy — reading in your favourite chair, having coffee in a beautiful cup, or eating the occasional Ferrero Rocher.
I filled the sheet with things I personally enjoy — things I imagine many other people also enjoy — reading in your favourite chair, having coffee in a beautiful cup, or eating the occasional Ferrero Rocher.
Even if you're not into stickers, I hope these images inspire you to give yourself the time, space and quiet, to sink into these small pleasures.
This!! 🩵
Amidst all the noise, the too-muchness of everything, there’s this.
I suspect sitting in silence is difficult for many these days.